Siloe K

About Me

Name: Siloe K

Age: 18

Country of origin: Germany

Driver's license: Full

Driver's license obtained on: October 2024

Earliest arrival date: October 2024

Length of placement: 10 months

Childcare experience: Babysitting, Daycare centre for children

Experience with children: Experienced with children 2 years and older Willing to care for children 2 years and older

Other qualifications: Speaks French

Hobbies: Babysitting, Daycare centre for children

Message to the host family

“Combining my joy of spending time with children and my passion for traveling is ideal for me since I love getting to know new places and cultures. In addition, living with a host family would be great, because I am very sociable and I would love to have someone to rely on while being abroad, especially since I have never traveled this far away from home. This is why maintaining a good relationship with my host family is one of the most important aspects to me.”
Information Request Form

Information Request Form

First name
Last name