Leni B

About Me

Name: Leni B

Age: 19

Country of origin: Germany

Driver's license: Full

Driver's license obtained on: December 2022

Earliest arrival date: January 2025

Length of placement: 6 months

  • Willing to arrive earlier
  • Willing to consider a longer placements

Childcare experience: Babysitting, Coaching sports for kids, Tutoring children, Babysitting little sisters

Experience with children: Experienced with children 3 months and older Willing to care for children 1 year and older

Other qualifications: Ski instructor for kids

Hobbies: Travel, Voluntary work, Baking, Drawing, Cooking, Reading, Skiing, Hiking, cycling

Willing to:

  • Stay with single Host Mom
  • Stay with single Host Dad
  • Stay with same-sex couples female
  • Stay with same-sex couples male
  • Stay with French-speaking families
  • Stay with pets - cats
  • Stay with pets- dogs
  • Stay with other pets ie reptiles, spiders, rodents
  • Prepare meat-based meals for the family (if vegan/vegetarian)
  • Care for children with special needs

Message to the host family

“I want to become an au pair and live with a host family to experience cultural exchange, improve my language skills, and build meaningful relationships while caring for children and support the family. I have always enjoyed working with children and find it rewarding to help them learn and grow.”

Additional Notes

- Willing to arrive earlier (November 2024 onward) - Willing to stay longer, only up until early August 2025 - Needs to return home by early August 2025

Information Request Form

Information Request Form

First name
Last name