Lena M Au Pair Professional

About Me

Name: Lena M Au Pair Professional

Age: 20

Country of origin: Germany

Driver's license: Full

Driver's license obtained on: August 2023

Earliest arrival date: November 2024

Length of placement: 12 months

Childcare experience: Babysitting, Daycare centre for children

Experience with children: Experienced with children 2 years and older Willing to care for children 2 years and older

Other qualifications: State-certified childcare assistant

Hobbies: Travel, Music, Drawing, Cooking, Music, Fitness, Skiing, Biking

Message to the host family

“I want to become an Au Pair, because I got a lot experience with children and my big dream is to visit Canada. Another reason is that I want to speak English better.”
Information Request Form

Information Request Form

First name
Last name