Merle P

About Me

Name: Merle P

Age: 19

Country of origin: Germany

Driver's license: Full

Driver's license obtained on: January 2024

Earliest arrival date: September 2024

Length of placement: 12 months

Childcare experience: Daycare centre for children, Tutoring

Experience with children: Experienced with children 2 years and older Willing to care for children 3 months and older

Other qualifications: Speaks French

Hobbies: Computers, Games, Travel, Voluntary work, Animals, Music, Baking, Drawing, Cooking, Photography, Reading, Guitar, Piano, Singing, Walking, Tennis, Cycling

Message to the host family

“I want to become an au pair because I want to get out of my comfort zone and experience something new. Also I want to become more independent and confident and get to know an other culture. Furthermore I would like to take the opportunity finding out if my future could include working with children because in the past I loved to take care of children. Improving my English/ French skills is of course a reason as well. When I took care of children in the past I always felt so fulfilled and honored when small things I did filled the children with enthusiasm and helping them in every way made me feel very grateful.”
Information Request Form

Information Request Form

First name
Last name