Annika S

About Me

Name: Annika S

Age: 22

Country of origin: Germany

Driver's license: Full

Driver's license obtained on: October 2018

Earliest arrival date: January 2025

Length of placement: 10 months

Childcare experience: Babysitting, Babysitting little siblings, Babysitting other relatives

Experience with children: Experienced with children 1 year and older Willing to care for children 1 year and older

Other qualifications: Speaks French

Hobbies: Games, Travel, Voluntary work, Baking, Drawing, Photography, Reading, Flute, Dance, Fitness, Horse Riding, Skiing, Tennis

Message to the host family

“I want to become an Au Pair in Canada because I have a deep passion for both childcare and the Canadian culture. Since I will be working as a child and adolescent psychotherapist in the future, I want to gain even more experience in working with children. The opportunities to immerse myself in Canadian life while caring for children is a dream come true for me.”
Information Request Form

Information Request Form

First name
Last name